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Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Wagon Wheel

We are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1: 26) Since none of us look exactly alike, obviously this doesn't mean that we look like Him. We are created in the image of God in this fashion: God is a tri-part Being ... God the Father, God the Son (who is Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Three parts, one Being. We are tri-part beings as well. We ARE spirit, we HAVE a soul (mind, will, emotions), and all that is wrapped up inside a PHYSICAL BODY. That's how we are created in His image.

 So, this "being" that we are created to be, we call human. Humans are different from other living creatures on earth, which we call animals, in that our minds function differently. Some say this difference is the ability to reason, or operate logically. We call this intelligence. Animals function by instinct. Humans also have a will, or the ability to choose or make decisions. Animals do not have this ability. Their actions are impulsive. According to the prophetic dream had by Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel, Chapter 3, verse 14-17 says that the "tree" will be cut down, and in verse 16, the "stump," which Daniel translates as the king himself, will be changed from the mind of a human and will be given the mind of an animal. Reading through Chapter 3 gives a more detailed description of this difference.

As for humans, all knowledge comes to us through one or more of our five senses ... seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching. This knowledge then takes up residence in our mind. It stays there forever, much like each keystroke taken on a computer stays, or resides, on the mother board. There is much greater detail to this process, of course. But all knowledge collects in our mind and begins to form patterns of thought. What we choose to believe develops out of these patterns, based on the information that has entered our mind. This then develops into what we commonly call our belief system. Our belief system helps us interpret our reality within and around us. We call this perception.

 Almost immediately, those thoughts and the attitudes and ideas that develop from them, travel through a complex network of neurotransmitters to our emotions. This development sometimes happens so fast that we don't even realize that we've had a thought until we feel the emotion. And as quickly as the mind-to-emotions happens, that swiftly our emotions can affect our actions. We sometimes call this a knee-jerk reaction. It is only our will, or our ability to make decisions, that can stand in the way of those impulses.

Now, the problem in all this is that our emotions don't know the difference between right and wrong. Our emotions are simply reactors. They react to what our mind is telling them, or what we are thinking.  But what if the information we have learned is not based in truth? What if it's a half-truth, or even an out and out lie? Thinking errors begin to form. To further complicate the issue, many of us don't live by what we believe to be truth. We don't even live in what is the reality around us, which can be different than truth. Instead of looking for truth or reality, we live in what we perceive to be reality. Reasoning, which takes place in the mind, helps us to determine whether our emotions are based upon truth or not. So again, our will power, or our ability to choose differently than we "feel," can come to the rescue.

It is because of the above process that we have differences between us. Even though we are all created in the image of the same one true and living God, each and every person is created uniquely, as individuals. Special in their own right. Because every person's experience in life, and, therefore, the information that enters into that person's mind, is different. It is singular and distinctive to that one person. As our belief system increases, our personality develops and we become who we are.

There are three main components to our development: genes, our role models during our pre-teen years, and our experiences during those early years. Other factors filter in as well, such as the culture we were born into, or whether we were born first or last or somewhere in between. All this progression brings in knowledge through one or more of our five senses, which lodges in our mind. And we can see clearly now how each human being is one of a kind.

The Wagon Wheel

Enter religion. Talk about differences! Can we possibly see through this one? 2 Corinthians 3: 6 tells us that "the letter (law or legalism in religions terms) kills but the Spirit gives life." In other words, forceful egocentricity will destroy where grace and mercy will heal.

I like to use the wagon wheel as an example.

The hub of the wagon wheel is the topic, whatever it may be. Be it healing, or spiritual gifts, or prayer, or whatever other topic. No one person on earth, except Jesus Christ Himself, has all knowledge about any particular given subject. 1 Corinthians 13: 9 and 12 both remind us that we "know in part." So, whatever knowledge of the given topic that experience has given you, or research, or training, or prayer, or Scripture has led you to, is one spoke of the wagon wheel. It is valid. However it is not all the truth there is. There are other "spokes." God may have spoken clearly to you about the topic, but we need to remember that it is possible He has also spoken to others. And that revelation may bring about additional ... not conflicting, but supplementary ... information about the topic. "Spoke" #2. Or #3. And so on.

And then comes the rim of the wagon wheel. That's God. He has all knowledge about everything and He holds it all together.

At least some of our differences could be assuaged if we would recognize and admit that we are not the only ones who are "right." There are others as well. And if we put all that information together and worked collectively, instead of reacting on emotions that are not based in truth, what a difference we could make! Our diversity could be exactly what ties us together, rather than separating us in anger, resentment, unforgiveness; causing us to denigrate, or even kill, each other. And taking this theory into areas other than religion as well, we could accomplish so much in this world.

This is exactly why Romans 12: 2 tells us to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Those are my thoughts. What are yours?

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